La yuca con mojo es una delicia tradicional cubana, su origen es incierto, pero la historia sugiere que fue un plato que popularizaron los africanos que fueron traídos a cuba como esclavos. La yuca es un tubérculo que apreciaban los taínos , nativos precolombinos cubanos. En el resto de América se la conoce como Tapioca o Mandioca, en línea general su cocción es fácil pero hay algunos trucos que harán la diferencia.
1- Siempre hay que elegir los trozos gruesos y parejos
2- Observe detenidamente la zona blanca, si presenta puntos o líneas grises es señal de que la yuca está infectada con un hongo, no es comestible.
3-Observe la cáscara, debe ser pareja y no tener agujeros que indiquen nidos de insectos.
The yuca con mojo is a traditional Cuban delight, its origin is uncertain, but history suggests that it was a dish that popularized the Africans who were brought to Cuba as slaves. Cassava is a tuber that they appreciated the Tainos, pre-Columbian native Cubans. In the rest of America is known as Tapioca or cassava, roughly speaking cooking is easy but there are some tricks that will make the difference.
1 - Always choose coarsely and evenly
2 - Look closely at the white, if you have gray dots or lines is a sign that cassava is infected with a fungus, not edible.
3-Observe the shell, must be even and free of holes indicating insect nests.
Una vez en casa, debajo del chorro de agua lavaremos cuidadosamente la yuca, con un cepillo sacándole toda la tierra. (En Cuba cuando conseguíamos mucha cantidad de yuca, mis abuelos la enterraban en el patio, era la mejor manera de conservarla , no solo no se pudría sino que se mantenía mas fresca que en la heladera).
Una vez limpia, cortaremos la yuca en trozos medianos y le sacaremos toda la cáscara, debe quedar absolutamente blanca, esta yuca limpia y pelada irá a una olla con abundante agua y sal , deberá hervir largamente hasta que se ablande.
Destaco que será un hervor largo porque sin una olla de presión puede demorar hasta 2 horas en ablandarse.
Importante: la yuca debe hervirse a olla destapada, porque los vapores de este hervor son un tanto tóxicos.
Once home, under running water will wash cassava carefully with a brush sticking out all the land. (In Cuba when we were getting plenty of cassava, my grandparents buried in the yard, was the best way to preserve it, not only not rotted but remained cooler than in the fridge).
Once cleaned, cut the cassava into medium pieces and we will draw the whole shell, it must be absolutely white, this clean and peeled cassava will go to a pot with water and salt, must boil until tender long.
Feature will be a long boil because without a pressure cooker may take up to 2 hours to soften.
Important: cassava should be boiled with pot uncovered, because this boiling vapors are somewhat toxic.
Once home, under running water will wash cassava carefully with a brush sticking out all the land. (In Cuba when we were getting plenty of cassava, my grandparents buried in the yard, was the best way to preserve it, not only not rotted but remained cooler than in the fridge).
Once cleaned, cut the cassava into medium pieces and we will draw the whole shell, it must be absolutely white, this clean and peeled cassava will go to a pot with water and salt, must boil until tender long.
Feature will be a long boil because without a pressure cooker may take up to 2 hours to soften.
Important: cassava should be boiled with pot uncovered, because this boiling vapors are somewhat toxic.
When cassava opens and softens breaks off, this indicates that it is ready, take it off the hot water and bathe with the mojo leading cassava.
the mojo
This mojo is very simple to make and very tasty, just put 4 tablespoons of oil in a pan and 4 crushed garlic cloves and a pinch of salt, in parts of Cuba also added finely cut onion rings, all this is added cold oil when they begin to brown, and before the garlic burns, we removed the pan from the heat and add the juice of 2 large lemons (careful it will splatter).
This above is sprayed wet cassava in the source that will serve ... and voila! yuca con mojo to accompany a delicious side dish!
Do this and then tell me!
voilá!! yuca con mojo!
..."Parece un caimán dormido, de San Antonio a Maisí..."
Recetas tradicionales,recuerdos de anécdotas de mi infancia,platos que he degustado en mis viajes, un poco de todo, y cuidado seguramente está caliente!!
Traditional recipes, memories, anecdotes from my childhood, dishes I have tasted in my travels and if they try to be careful to try something surely it is hot!
Traditional recipes, memories, anecdotes from my childhood, dishes I have tasted in my travels and if they try to be careful to try something surely it is hot!
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